Taverner Cleansing Powder

For the lower troughs on the curve of life, feeling clean and smelling good can make the difference.

Of course, in our minds, we are often Claudia Cardinale rolling around on a shag rug, or David Niven romancing her, but this degree of amazingness can slip from time to time.

Side view of travel bag zipped open with map and Taverner Cleansing Powder bottle inside, in front of motel door.

Life is usually about rushing to the boardroom or galloping to meet the future mother-in-law. Although we generally step out the door each morning spruced to the nines, there are times in life when a quick, mobile method to clean oneself is a godsend. For some, this may be by 3 p.m. every day, for others, it's heading to that speed-dating session. Or, perhaps it’s from the constant long-haul flights, or that camping trip that turned into a 5-day hiatus in the bush (completely planned of course).

For when you are on the run….

Close up of blue Taverner Cleansing powder in sink creating lather in the water.

If you are constantly on the run (some call it travelling) it pays to have a product that can be readily thrown into bags and won't leave liquid spillages or residue everywhere. A single-product wash solution perfect for travel skincare and cleanliness needs.

Side view over top of bedside table to motel bed.

When a bar of soap just doesn’t cut it…..

Sudsy washing hands next to running tap in sink.

Taverner Cleansing Powder is a powder body and face wash that is easily mixed with water (although we can't stress enough - wet the palm first). It not only cleans but also leaves a cracking residual subtle scent on one’s epidermis. As it is not a liquid, if there are spills it will be a lot less dramatic.

As a handy face and body soap alternative, it means you will be ready to be sniffed, scrutinised and ‘once-overed’ by the public.

It will leave one redolent and ready to embrace the world of people who are never judgy but really are at times.

View of female top of head and extended leg on bed, shaving with blue cleansing powder product.

This product is a vegan powder soap made of only natural, naturally derived or nature identical (in the case of our preservative) materials (see FAQ for more information). It is also a stellar alternative to shaving cream for all the bits that need hair removal. Taverner doesn’t discriminate; it is a unisex product made for the personal care needs of humans of any gender or identity. Hence we do allow stealing of your partner’s bottle at any time.

Ready to give it a try? You can purchase here.

We make no promises, but this product may:

  • allow you to clean up any embarrassing messes on one’s person

  • keep you fresh when ‘wanderlusting’ your way through wild animal territory (or just those areas with no amenities) - you may need to burn your clothes though

  • help you regain some dignity during any and all sorts of ‘morning afters’, where a cubicle with a tap is a godsend

  • enable you to make that 9am meeting smelling great without having to overspray your favourite (very expensive) perfume or cologne

  • salvage you in any situation where you relied on there being a soap bar or liquid - but there is none!