A little mystery in life is often a good thing….

You are the innkeeper - the keeper of your temple. You can choose not to share your own musk after running up fifteen flights of stairs, the lipstick on your neck with date number two, or the bit of pee that came out from seeing that bear in the forest. We all expel things. Sometimes getting hot and sweaty is awesome. Sometimes it’s the worst. You should get to choose when your body evidence is shared and with who. How? Simple.

Wash + Taverner/You = Stellar You

Well, obviously you may say. Not so easy when you are en route or dirty moments hit you at inopportune times. 


Zipped open travel bag in front of chair in motel.
Bottle of Taverner Cleansing Powder on motel bedside table with camera, hip flask and newspaper.

Always Nostalgic

When we sat down to consider our brand persona, we realised that we would want Taverner to be in regular rotation by Bridget Fonda in The Assassin and Steve McQueen in his most suave and adventurous of moments.

Always Smelling Good

Espionage priorities or nay, the dead drop can wait as you need to smell good, period. Fragrance is like a drug. Well, to us it is. How the nose processes a smell is subjective and unique to individuals. So, it was worth tailoring our essential oil blend to smell just right.

Taverner offers a custom skincare and grooming solution in travel-friendly packaging. Something handy that you can throw and stash into your suitcase/backpack/carryall/briefcase (if anyone still uses those)/duffel bag/tote/handbag/rucksack, and most importantly your attaché.

Side portion of seated female holding Taverner Cleansing Powder bottle while looking out window.

Whether you are dashing between corporate engagements, flitting from motel to motel (we won’t ask), or running away from wildlife, as long as there is water and anything resembling a towel, Taverner will help you freshen up.

More information on Taverner Cleansing Powder is available on the product page.

Always Deciphering

The investigating, re-formulating and hassling of suppliers (in a nice way) is well worth it when it results in wholistic integrity. This meant groundwork to meet requirements such as transparency on sourcing, cruelty-free and palm oil-free raw materials and biodegradability. As our capacity (fingers crossed) and klout (not sure we have any as yet) grow we aim to continue in pursuit of meeting our consumers’ and our own ethical and sustainable provisos.

Thomas Crown Affair style split screen with various outdoor and travel images.